CHORE-TRONICS® 3 Whole House Control for Breeders
Next Generation Breeder Controller With Exciting Added Features!
The CHORE-TRONICS® 3 Breeder Control includes nearly all the features of Chore-Time’s highly successful and reliable CHORE-TRONICS® 3 Broiler House Controller, plus extra capabilities especially for breeder production.
Expanded ability to turn on extra tunnel fans during and after feeding times.
Up to six separate filling and feeding clocks for male and female birds.
Can deliver a pre-determined amount of feed from a dump scale, mechanical beam scale or load cell under the bin.
Expanded management screens to track egg data, or count automatically with optional egg counter.
Weekly summaries in history screens, with up to 70 weeks of history.
Compatible with CHORE-TRONICS® Mobile App, BROADCASTER™ Alert System and C-CENTRAL™ Software.
Ability to control egg storage room environment (heating, cooling and humidity).
Customizable feeding programs for every-other-day, 5-and-2, etc.
Water clock with feeding day and non-feeding day schedules.
- Specifically designed for pullet and breeder applications.
- Birds move across the scale on their own, reducing labor requirements and biosecurity risk of manual weighing.
- Scale features highly accurate hanging platforms.
Anti-swing for slats protects birds. - Control displays data such as expected weight, average weight, number of weights, growth, uniformity, weight histograms, etc.
- Dependable hardware technology, software algorithms and also C-Central™ Software ready.