Heating Systems For Breeders
Chore-Time’s Brooders and Heaters provide a reliable, low-maintenance source of heat for young birds as well as for use during cool weather.
Direct infrared heat for more energy efficiency and superior feed conversion.
The compact QUADRATHERM® Heater delivers a robust 80,000 BTUs of QuadRadiant® heat in a broad, quadrangular heat pattern.
CUBO Air Mixers (with optional heat) circulate air in a poultry building and distribute it at bird level. The result is more uniform temperatures throughout the building and improved litter condition. The CUBO Units also eliminate the need for stir fans and promote more even bird distribution.
Chore-Time brings your birds the warmth and comfort of the sun.
There are two main types of heat used in poultry and livestock facilities – radiant (infrared heat) and convection (hot-air heat).